El Nino Data
The data set contains oceanographic and surface meteorological readings taken
from a series of buoys positioned throughout the equatorial Pacific. The data is
expected to aid in the understanding and prediction of El Nino/Southern
Oscillation (ENSO) cycles.
Information files:
Data files:
- tao-all2.dat.gz
contains the data for 7 March 80 to 3 May 98. (2.8M; 10M uncompressed)
- tao-all2.missing.gz
indicates which values in tao-all2.dat are missing. (60K; 12.6M uncompressed)
- tao-all2.col
contains the variable names for large subset.
- elnino.gz
contains the data for 23 May 98 to 5 June 98. (10K)
- elnino.col
contains the variable names for small subset.
The UCI KDD Archive
Information and Computer Science
University of California, Irvine
Irvine, CA
92697-3425 Last modified: 30 June 1998